Neither the service failures that from time to time affect communication between users, nor the decision to inexcusably charge to all users after end of the trial period, nor the Buyout rumors by larger companies seem to have weakened the growth of the messaging tool WhatsApp Or at least that's what its CEO (Executive Director) Jan Koum during an interview organized by the specialized media AllThingsD this week.
The answer to the question of whether they had noticed a decrease in the number of users of WhatsApp since the past March began to charging the renewal was resounding: No Despite user complaints and the ever-widening competition completely free, the business model of WhatsApp seems to still work. Something that Koum explained through the user recruitment system that offers ayear of service completely free An issue that the company does not see as such, but rather as a way to publicize and test its application, making it stronger when more users use it. He also commented that the cost of renewal is very basic for the service offered
But Koum revealed other relevant data about the use of WhatsAppOne of them is the message volume that has been reached per day, and that is represented in eight billion messages received and more than twelve million messages sent A difference which is explained by the fact of transmitting a message through group conversations, where one sent can reach many people A record number that even Koum dared to compare with Twitter , shamelessly stating that his company is bigger An issue that should not be taken literally, since he did not even want to comment on the number of active users of WhatsApp (Twitter has 200 million monthly active users), but to understand that as for data volume, the messaging tool takes the lead.Proof of this are the huge number of messages mentioned above. So much so that it also claimed to be the technology company with the most users by number of employees. The company has just over 40 employees and now is hiring
During the interview there was also time to talk about the latest purchase rumors Another matter completely denied by Koum And it is that WhatsApp remains faithful to its ideal, focusing on improving its service and offer a useful tool to its users In addition, he stated he had never had conversations or purchase negotiations According to his words, they prefer focus on your product, without looking at what other companies do, or who they target.
In short, WhatsApp continues to focus on messaging instantaneous , trying to improve the quality of the service and preventing the user from becoming the productSomething they learned while working at Yahoo, and now they want to avoid, by preventing the introduction of la in their service Mechanics that forces users to pay for their use For now they claim not to be afraid of competitors like LINE or WeChat, and that is WhatsApp is a completely different company in the words of Koum