It seems that Google is determined to bring some order to its download platform of Google Play applications And it is known that during the month of February, the company of Mountain View removed a whopping 60,000 apps from that platform A move that would be focused on improving the overall quality of thisapplication market, eliminating those that go against the terms of use or that do not offer an good service.
Facing the popular belief that on Android and Google Play anything goes when it comes to applications, is the reality of Google's work to continue improving this download platform. And it is that, although it does not have an extensive staff of people reviewing in a way prior to its publicationeach application, as Apple does, does perform automated cleanup systems to delete applications that do not comply with their statutes or publication rules However, what is relevant this time is having reached a number such a high number of deleted applications Although, it must be said that in these 60,000 not only are removed by Google, but also offers that have expired and the tools that The developers themselves have decided to remove it from Google PlayAlthough it is reasonable to think that the scissors of Google is the one that has had the most to do with that number.
The explanation for this milestone is the recent arrival of the new design of Google Play, which has already been installed for a few days automatic on smartphones and Android tablets from all over the world, although progressive A face cleansingwhich would be accompanied by another more important cleaning to offer a greater general quality, with tools useful, do not repeat functions, do not spam and, above all, do not use terminal functions without the knowledge or user permission
According to data published by the specialized media TechCrunch, many of the applications removed from Google Play would be those that allow the download and creation of ringtones and notificationsThus, they have published a table where you can see the number of applications eliminated according to the category, and the new tools that were created and added during the month of February . In it, entertainment and personalization are the categories with the most eliminations, by far. However, they are also the ones that more new applications receive
With all this, it is the end user who benefits. On the one hand you may lose useful but illegal tools for downloading music or content, but on the other, it benefits from applications with a concrete and clear operation, more secure and thatwould avoid spam And it is that Google has several quite strict policies regarding what cannot be included an application if you want to stay on Google Play: do not repeat content, do not negotiate ratings to increase your position in the download lists, do not serve as a vehicle to take the user to a web page that is not owned and not send SMS or emails without the user's permission.