If only yesterday we were talking about the alleged negotiations between the company Google and the charismatic messaging tool WhatsApp, today it's time to deny it And it is that those responsible for this application have not wanted to continue feeding it, now bulo, circulating on the Internet and stating that Google had proposed its purchase for an amount of around one billion dollars Something that goes against the philosophy of WhatsApp and that has already been repeated on other occasions with other companies supposedly interested in buying it.
The denial comes from internal sources of the company itself of WhatsApp Specifically from its head of development , Neeraj Arora, who has clarified the issue to the specialized media AllTHingsD Thus, he has stated that WhatsApp is not holding sales negotiations with Google, without wanting to make any further comments or statements on the subject. Something that, on the other hand, is not surprising considering the secureness to which this company has accustomed us.
And, despite the rumors of its purchase, first by Facebook during this past winter, and now byGoogle, it seems that the creators of WhatsApp remain faithful to their principles, which they have already demonstrated several times .They recently stated that this tool was created with the purpose of putting family and friends in touch in a useful and practical way, avoiding depending on other companies or thinking about their sale. Something that they came to qualify as “thinking about divorce before getting married” And for now the direction of this application seems to be to follow growing in number of users and, since last March, also in benefits, since it left behind its benevolence in renewing subscriptions randomly and free for another year to users whose trial period had already expired finished
With all this, it is clear that WhatsApp continues to be independent and faithful to its own concept, so it will not work, as had been rumored, to serve injection to the supposed new tool of Google messagingA project that has been given the name Google Babel (or Bubble according to some media) and that it would try to unite and collect under the same tool all the messaging services of the Mountain View company A movement that would have meant a large volume of users, since it is estimated that WhatsApp is used by nearly 300 million users in over 100 countries around the world
Another matter that has been confirmed by the media outlet AllThingsD is that one of the creators of WhatsApp , Jan Koum, will speak at an event organized by the publication next week. A participation to which we will have to be attentive to know the next steps of this charismatic and also media communication tool that is already available on allplatforms smartphones current and that, hopefully, will continue to give people something to talk about.