It seems that no social network or communication tool is free of bugs and vulnerabilities This time it was iMessage, the service free messaging between terminals with operating system iOS of Apple And it is that several developers and experts in the field of Jailbreak have been receiving attacks in the form of message, demonstrating the vulnerability of this tool, and revealing that any application has a weak spotHowever, the matter does not end here, since the case is most curious.
Apparently, the attack was nothing more than a series of messages apparently normal, although with a repeating characteristic:were loaded with emoticons In this way, with the repeated sending of messages loaded with characters it has been demonstrated that service saturation is achieved, an action that has the technical name Service Denial (DoS is its acronym in English). With this blocking both the application for mobile terminals, iPhone and iPad, as well as for computersMac becomes unusable, preventing normal use
This attack appears to be produced by a Script or some kind of robot capable of sending a multitude of these messages simultaneously and repeatedly, which achieves saturation of this service to several people.According to a first investigation by those affected, these messages came from an alleged member of the Anonymous movement, known for attacks on web pages and government services and companies for the sake of freedom However, finally it seems that the origin of this attackdoes not come from that source
Apple is already aware of this problem, since the attackers have already informed the company about the vulnerability, although , as usual, no response received any. The problem is that the Cupertino company does not monitor or have any control over the Spam messages of this type through its own service, so it remains free for this type of misdeed So far, the only solution after the blocking of iMessage is the user account deletionA rather annoying disorder for users who make greater use of this service.
This type of problem has already been seen in the communication tool par excellence: WhatsApp And it is that the repeated sending of messages full of emoticons and characters can lead to blocking the service and even the receiver's terminal, annoying enormously to this one and managing to abort the conversation At least iMessage doesn't have the holes of discovered and already fixed for WhatsApp, through which third parties (hackers) connected to the same line WiFiwere able to enter a conversation impersonating the identity of the interlocutor
However, it is clear that there is no application free of back doors and holes through which to annoy.We will have to wait and see if Apple takes action on the matter and decides to solve this problem and add the possibility of block accountsto avoid service saturation.