WhatsApp loses the throne of most downloaded apps on Google Play
It seems incredible but that's the way it is. After long time of hegemony in Google Play, the most widespread and well-known communication tool on smartphoneshas been dethroned from the first position on the Top Free list, that is, the most downloaded free applications And not because it is no longer free (what if it is, since you can use a year without any cost), but because the unstoppable advancement of LINE, another free messaging and calls application that continues to grow rapidly force.
In this way, for a couple of days, users who access Google Play, both from their web page as from the application for terminals Android, they have been able to check how LINE ranks first in the Top Free list, while WhatsApp has been relegated to second place This does not mean that the Japanese has surpassed the Californian in users, since even the latter still hasmore rating stars than LINE However, it shows the interest of Spanish users for this new application. Surely for your gratuity
And we must not forget that LINE has arrived at the best possible time to gain a foothold in the communication market .Although it was not officially launched until last December 2012, LINE It already had 80 million users behind it, and it was making itself known among the Spanish public A few months later, WhatsApp surprised many users by by starting to charge for their service Something that, until now, I had ignored, perhaps with the strategy of attract more users Therefore, it has been the ideal event for many users to have decidedleave WhatsApp by LINE to avoid make paymentWhich would explain this change in positions in the list of most downloaded applications
But it's not the only movement we've detected. And it is that, despite the fact that WhatsApp is not being the application most downloaded these days , its policy of charging once the trial year has ended has led it to first place on another list: Top in IncomeThat is, the list of apps that the most money are raising with in-app payments A place that used to be reserved for videogames, the applications that most use this system. Which is to say that even though many are turning to the free service of LINE, there are still quite a few users who are determined to pay to be able to continue using this instant messaging tool.
Therefore, it seems that the change in attitude of WhatsApp regarding charging for their service has definitely affected users, who have tried to look for alternatives to avoid spending a penny. However, it is also clear that many of them have faced said payment, making WhatsApp appear on a new list, even at the top.Undoubtedly, a really useful and media application that, surely, will continue to give people talk in the future.