The Android platform has always been characterized by the freedom it offers developers to create of all kinds of applications However, Google has had to get serious with some of them, removing them from Google Play for violating a point of their regulations by preventing the impertinent from appearing banners or advertisements while using other applicationsA solution that some users used to avoid ad saturation in games and other applications, and that are now prohibited in Google Play
As it seems, the alarm went off in the middle of this week, when some developers of these applications that block received it, via email from Google, notice that your app was to be retired from Google PlayText similar to the following: After periodic review, we have determined that your application interferes with or accesses another service or product in an unauthorized manner. This fact violates the provision of your agreement with Google
Thus, said message alludes to point 4.4 of the Distribution Agreement for Developers A contract that they have to sign when they acquire theAndroid developer licenseThis point literally says that prohibits the development of products that may involve interference, alteration, damage or unauthorized access to devices, servers, networks or other types of properties or services of third parties, including, among others, users of Android, Google or any mobile network operator Or what is the same, the creation of applications that prevent the normal functioning of others in which it is legally introduced.
With this, tools like Adblock or AdAway have disappeared ipso facto from Google Play, being impossible to find them through the web or the application of smartphones and tablets These types of applications usually require that the terminal be root, that is, it is modified to have access to all functions.In this way, you can filter the contents coming from 3G and WiFi connections to avoid commented and sometimes abusive advertising
From the point of view of Google it is a necessary measure , and it is that the income and the monetization system of the majority of free applications is in danger with the proliferation of this type of tools. Therefore, it was logical that sooner or later he would put an end to this practice. At least to the extent that Google has the power to do so, since there are other unofficial application marketswhere these tools are still available.
Thus, the web pages of these tools continue to offer direct download of the application. Of course, it is a process less secure than through Google PlayAnother alternative to avoid ads while playing games or using an application that does not require an Internet connection is to disconnect the WiFi and Data connection But don't lose sight of Given that the remuneration of developers is at stake, who have decided to make their creations available to users totally free