It took a while, but the most frequent users of the social network Twitter who have a computer with the operating system Windows 8 already have the official application available for download. A tool that not only means not having to access Twitter through its web page, but that offers total integration with the new format of this operating system thanks to itstiles or tiles and the possibility of having the timeline of Twitter always present on the desktop to keep up to date with everything that's happening.
This official application for Windows 8 highlights its design And it is that, despite not contributing anything really new to what is seen in the applications for smartphones , or in the web version, it is really useful and comfortable when you choose the docked view option for the desktop. Thus, it is possible to see at a glance the last tweets of the users who are followed in the right part of the screen while performing any other task on the rest of the desktop. It also takes advantage of the tiles of the Microsoft operating system to display the latest notifications as direct messages, mentions, etc
Thanks to the fact that it imitates the same design of the web version, its handling is very simpleThus, it is possible to access the same menus and options, but this time from the part leftof the screen, and not through tabs located at the top, as it happens in other platforms. With this it is possible to click on Home to consult the last tweets Also know if it has been Mentioned, Retweeted, Followed, or Favorited Via the menu Connect Know what the Topics most mentioned and followed of the moment (Trending Topics), and the accounts that the user may be interested in following through the section Discover In the same way as in the rest of the platforms , the Account menu offers user information, the possibility to edit it and also the space where you can read the direct messages So far no apparent news.
However, the arrival of this application is not free of controversy And, having It took several months after the release of Windows 8 it was expected that it would arrive full of functions and utilities for users. Something that has not happened, for example, with the possibility of enter and use several Twitter user accounts at the same time, or with the impossibility of upload and create lists to filter tweets Issues that hopefully will end up coming with upcoming updates, but that overshadow the expected presentation of this application.
In short, a useful tool for the new or basic Twitter user who wants to be always connected without depending on web browser However, it stays short for more advanced users , who will have to continue using the web version or other unofficial tools to get the most out of this social networkThe Twitter app for Windows 8 is now available for download, completely free, through the Windows Store