It seems that Apple is not willing to give total freedomto users of iPhone and iPad to use their devices and applications to suit the consumer. If we already knew about their restrictive policy on the applications that populate the App Store, now we know a new chapter after withdraw two photography applications, 500px and ISO500, because they contain, according to words from the company itself, pornographic images and materialSomething that goes against the Cupertino policies
To understand the whole point, it must be said that these applications act as a community where share all photography class Something like Instagram A rsocial edwhere each user makes public images of their cats, food, landscapes and, apparently, also nude Something that has led Apple to withdraw both applications in a sudden way after their last revision, being no longer able to find traces of them in any of theApp Store regional markets
According to statements by the CEO of 500px to the media TechCrunch , Evgeny Tchebotarev, the application is far from an application to host pornographyAnd it is that the terms of use of this tool exactly prohibit, eliminating the images detected as such. And even more. 500px has a safe search system by default. This means not being able to search for compromised content or come across pornographic photographs on the main screen . Of course, it is possible toactivate the safe search function through the web version of said social network, demonstrating that you are of legal age
In addition, Tchebotarev ensures that when removing content pornographic thanks to its recognition technology, only the artistic works remain. of this application there are professional photographers who publish artistic photographs of nudity, something that according toTchebotarev, has little to do with pornographyHowever, when trying to release a new version of these applications, Apple decided to remove them for the reasons discussed.
What's surprising is that those responsible for the application spoke with Apple to discuss the changes that could solve the problem of pornography A solution that would also automatically apply to other applications that make use of 500px like Google Currents and Flipboard, two well-known newsreaders However Apple did not wait and made its position final a couple of days ago. Now, all we have to do is wait for the changes made to 500px and ISO500 to be analyzed and approved by the company of Cupertino as soon as possible so that said applications will be available again through App Store
But, is it logical to pursue these types of issues when one is aware of other tools that even allegedly incur in offense by allowing downloading of music or movies? Does Apple have a double standard? It seems that its position is not to leave any loose ends, even if this means limiting the options of its users. What do you think?