It's never easy getting used to the new Or is it? Many of the earliest users who have decided to move to Windows 8, the latest operating system from Microsoft , they have found news that are difficult to digest Especially those that refer to their new interface , which is based on what is seen in tablets, doing without the classic and useful start menu of the above WindowsThus, it is normal for many users to feel lost and for the proliferation of applications that return this classic tool to Windows 8 , as Classic Shell does
This is a program for those who don't want to settle for renew or die With it we return the start menu ofWindows XP, Windows Vista or Windows Seven to the not so accepted Windows 8, being able to do without that empty desk or of the tile system so similar to that of the tablets But not only that. The company that has developed Classic Shell has also thought about other issues that can be missed like the old file explorer and a more classic and intuitive version of Internet Explorer 9
All you have to do is download the program Classic Shell from its official page When starting the installer, we only need to choose which classic elements we want and follow the steps to carry out the process. When finished, the mythical start button will have returned to the lower left corner of the desktop. Of course, this time personalized with the logotipo of the application ( although we can customize it). With this, you will have access to all programs, to control panel, to the command run and, ultimately, the classic start menu
However, the virtues ofClassic Shelldo not end here, because this program is created for the useradjust everything to her liking In this way we find different options of personalization to change the appearance of said menu. To do this, you only have to do right click on the Start button and click onSettings Here we can choose between the start menus of the different Windows, in addition to choosing thelook, color, and textureBut there is more. If we click on All settings we can also configure other aspects such as prevent the Windows 8 tile menu from appearingas soon as you start, or choose the appearance of the menu and the bottom bar, among many other issues.
Also, if we decide to install the other classic add-ons (the file explorer and Internet Explorer 9), we will have the classictoolbars in both questions to make it easier for us copy and paste, access thefile menu and many more.In short, a program for those who want to be up to date but with the comfort of the familiar Best of all, Classic Shell can be downloaded free from yourweb page And it not only works with Windows 8, it is also possible to install theclassic menus in Windows Seven and Windows Vista