During yesterday the social networks lit up with thousands of comments from users and citizens dissatisfied with the performance of two deputies of the Madrid Assembly They were caught during the plenary session in which the step was taken prior to the privatization of various hospitals and medical centers of this community in a relaxed attitude, playing with their respective iPhone and iPad to the charismatic ApalabradosA well-known game in the world of smartphones
The fact became known thanks to the photographer of El País, ílvaro García , who took the snapshot of the moment. In it you can see how two deputies from the Popular Party, Bartolomé González and María Isabel Redondo , they play separate games of the game Apalabrados, although it doesn't seem like it was between them. An entertainment that, imitating the classic Scrabble, invites you to join letters to create words and add pointsin front of the opponent, who can be a contact from Facebook or an anonymous from anywhere in the world
In the information that accompanies the image, no reference is made to the exact moment in which it was taken, it only indicates in the caption that it was during said fullSomething that has angered many citizens who have shared the image and their comments through TwitterAnd the fact is that the news that came out about the loss of 30 iPads by members of Congress A loss that was not long in being replaced, since which is part of the electronic kit they receive free at the beginning of the legislature and which consists of a iPhone, a iPad, and a Internet connection at their homes
Both PP deputies have already apologized for their behaviour. "A thousand pardons. No excuse is worth it» has been one of González's tweets, while Redondo He also published the following on his account on this same social network: I am very sorry for what happened.There is no excuse. And of course, it won't happen again. I'm sorry Messages that have been answered by other users with the request of resignation, and with some mockery when imitating in said answers the characters and punctuations associated with them from the game Apalabrados
It is not the first time that the political class has this type of slip We do not forget when the Minister of Labor, Fátima Báñez, made publishes his score in a game of the game Bubble Shooter while the President of the Government announced the petition of the loan of 100,000 million euros to the Eurogroup Situation that the Minister herself clarified by stating that there had been been “a childish prank” of your child. Whether true or not, there is no doubt that not all politicians know how to use their smartphones or tablets correctly, or at least that they do not differentiate between their working lives of your personal life on these devices.
For now, the parliamentarian group of the PP have only regretted what happened and have indicated that they will request explanations to the deputies who have been caught playing Apalabrados We will have to see if all this only remains in one Another anecdote about the political class and its relationship with technology
Image via: El País