Although in our country it is not very widespread, the practice of sharing a taxi is a highly recommended option for save money on our journeys and avoid, as far as possible, environmental pollution Therefore, to help users of smartphones to find shared trips, two Spaniards have created the application JoinUp Taxi A very useful tool to request an individual taxi or share it at any time.
This is a very simple application, which barely has a couple of screens to carry out all the necessary steps. Thus, through Internet, and without having to call by phone, we can request a taxiat any point, with a prefixed destination But, the key point of JoinUp Taxi is that of shared trips, being able to find other nearby users who can use the same itinerary to save costs and pollutionA valid idea that has already begun to be implemented in our country.
The operation of the application is very simple. It is only necessary to download and start the application. Thus we find a map of the area where we find our location thanks to the GPS function Thus, we can click on the buttons below to request a individual or shared trip Then a new screen appears to establish the trip preferences: collection point, day and time In addition, it is possible to specify if you prefer to make a card payment More complete are the options of shared trips: in addition to the pick-up point, it is possible to choose from a list of common destination options such as urban centers, transport stations and places of interest You can also specify the number of passengers and bags
The idea is to be able to share the journey and its cost, although each user must pay their part for the baggage Once the trip has been made, it is possible to know the aeconomic savings and polluting air of the journey Although to be able to carry To carry out these services, the collaboration of the taxi drivers is also necessaryThey can register through the JoinUp Taxi website to be part of the project, where there are already 120 registered Thus, they will have an application to receive race orders , individual or group and get a new source of travelers
For now, this project has only started filming in Barcelona, where we can already see various taxi drivers using this service. An initiative supported by the Metropolitan Taxi Institute and which is also expected to be implemented in Madrid starting next yearWe will have to be attentive to the future of this application, a good option to save money.
Meanwhile, it is possible to download the application JoinUp Taxi and use it in Barcelona fully functional, both to request an individual taxi and in a groupIn addition, it is completely free It is developed for both Android and devices iPhone and iPad, so it can be downloaded via Google Playand App Store