WhatsApp is one of the most widely used applications for mobile phones and tablets at the moment and it has stopped working. Since this noon, thousands of users hooked on this system of instantaneous communication have received the disgust of the century: the service doesn't work , which has generated a total lack of communication among regulars of free messages and a general mood of disgust. And it is that for some time now, WhatsApp has become the free communication system most used by mobile phone users with Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phoneor BlackBerry OSAt this time, the service has not yet been normalized for the vast majority, although there are some solutions that will help us to solve the incident definitively. We'll tell you then.
The problem started at exactly ten in the morning (Spanish time) specifically affecting users who have a telephone running with the Google operating system, Android, in any of the versions currently available operational. For now there is no specific data on the number of people affected, but we do pay attention to the activity that has been generated in these last few hours on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter , we will deduce that the affectation has been intense, in a large number of users who have seen the communicative potential of their smartphone diminished.Mobile phones have lost connectivity, although the failure in question has nothing to do with the device or with the operator that provides services to users. And despite the fact that in the last few hours some have already recovered the service, there are still many people who cannot send or receive messages from your friends and family.
But, how can we provide a solution to this incident? Well, in principle you have to try the following. Disconnect the terminal (turn it off) for a while and start it again. Open the application and check if it really works. If you haven't had any luck, try uninstalling the program. You will have to access the Settings section and select Applications . Immediately afterwards, click on the application WhatsApp and click on Uninstall Logically, the next step will be Go to Google Play, the app store of Google, to download the program again .Now it should work for you.
The owners of WhatsApp have not offered information about it and in fact, within the section of Help It has been indicated that the service works perfectly We hope that in the next few hours the service will return to normal, although it would not have been helpful more count on the explanations of the owners of the service, even if it was through a brief message on their official Twitter account. And you, have you had problems when connecting to WhatsApp? You can tell us your experience in the section of comments…