Little by little we learn more news of the next version of the Apple operating system , on iOS 6 This time, with the release of trial version for developers, Beta 4, the surprise has fallen on the removal of the YouTube application Thus, it is confirmed that there will not be a native or serial application when this new version of iOS is releasedto watch videos on YouTubeBut there is no reason to raise your hands to your head.
As confirmed Apple to the specialized media The Verge, YouTube has been removed from iOS 6 Beta 4 because it hasfinished its license to include it, and not precisely because of the fight against Google In fact, those of Mountain View they would already be developing another application compatible with the new operating system so as not to leave users iPhone and iPad users without the video portal YouTube Do not forget that, despite not having this application, it is possible to continue watching the videos on this platform through the Safari web browser , on the YouTube website
And it is not the only surprise that it keeps iOS 6 Beta 4 In addition to what has been said, developers and specialized media have echoed of the enlargement of its 3D maps And it is that it has duplicated its database with new cities like Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston, New Orleans and Porland in the United States, Toronto in Canada, Birmingham and Manchester in the United Kingdom, Lyon in France and, finally, Madrid, capital of Spain.
This significantly increases the number of cities that we can fly over in great detail to a total of 27 A function calledFlyover of the most amazing that will be available in Maps, the application of Maps exclusive to Apple, with which it wanted to break away from Google Maps and which brings, as a novelty, thesemaps in volume or three dimensionsIn this way, placing ourselves over one of the cities and pressing the 3D button, we can see buildings and placesof these cities in any perspective and with great detail.
It should be noted that the company in charge of making these maps in three dimensions, C3 Technologies, which was bought by Apple Last year, it already has images from other cities, so in new versions ofiOS 6 It is possible that we will see an increase in the number of places to visit comfortably from our device. All this with a great quality and topicality, since Apple has been in charge of collectingnew aerial images of the cities that can now be viewed in volume.
In short, we are waiting for a very complete and striking operating system Functions such as Flyover , to see these maps in 3D, they have already created expectation and rivalry ”“ don't forget that Google has updated Google Earth with 3D maps, albeit of lower quality – , and the removal of YouTube has only attracted attention. We will have to wait for new versions or the final release of iOS 6 to discover and enjoy all these new features.