Microsoft is focusing its efforts on mobile devices Something that was demonstrated with the presentation of Windows 8 a few weeks ago, and that it reiterates again with the update of your application My Xbox LIVE And, now, it allows almost total control of your Xbox 360 console from tablet of Apple A utility that n o allows you to dispense with your controls, but which exploits this console as a complete entertainment center, and with a deluxe remote control, the iPad
Thus, if the game console is connected to the Internet and we have the application My Xbox LIVE installed on our device Apple, we can create a link between both to move through the different menus and sections that the interface of Xbox De In this way, this kind of remote control that we created with the iPad allows us to consult our friends on Xbox LIVE , see the achievements achieved in the different games played, customize our avatar , etc But, without a doubt, the most interesting thing is being able to start reproductions of video and audio from your own tablet
All this through an application with a very careful design that adapts the style Metro that Microsoft has deployed to all of its devices.Thus, we go from one menu to another just by sliding our finger from one side of the screen to the other. A point in favor is the possibility of clicking directly on the section or service that we want to reproduce, avoiding having to use the remote control to move one by one. All you need is an Internet connection, an account on Xbox LIVE, and active Xbox Companion in the menu of console settings, tool in charge of creating the link.
Thus, once the application has started, with the console running and connected, you have to search in the iPad the menu Quickplay Here we find a big green button labeled Connect to Xbox If Xbox Companion is enabled, after a few seconds waiting, the connection message will appear. In this way, we can use the iPad screen to move through the different sections, allowing us to even start a gameOnce we enter a section, either to see the videos of a channel, move through the achievements or settings of the console, thescreen iPad simulates a controller, with several buttons to move comfortably.
These features are a stepping stone to the technology introduced by Microsoft for your console in connection with your new tablet, Surface, and which has received the name of SmartGlass Once the is launched on the market exclusive tablet from Redmond, this can be used as a complete remote control, in addition to a screen portable Something that, hopefully, will also end up being implemented for iPad andtablets with operating system Android, although nothing is confirmed at this time.
In short, a utility for users of Apple devices, both iPhone as iPad, and the fact is that the smartphone had been around for a few months with this possibility.The My Xbox LIVE app can be downloaded completely free from the AppStore. Also from Google Play for devices with operating system Android , although they still do not have Xbox Companion to manage the console from them.