It was one of the most modern urban legends: if the two green Vs appear when sending a message through WhatsApp, it means that the recipient has read it After much controversy, those responsible for the messaging service have decided to put an end to the mystery The two Vs do not mean that the message has been read. It have revealed through their twitter account in a brief message. «For your information: double checking does not mean that the message has been read, only that it has been delivered to the recipient's device.»
Let's see that they have dismantled the myth, or at least a part of it Since there was indeed some truth. The double check not only means that it has been sent correctly, but also that the corresponding mobile has arrived, another thing is that it has been read. The ball about this myth had become so big that it had even inspired a small film production. This short, called precisely "Double Check", talks about the WhatsApp problem and how it affects couples .
The instant messaging service has become one of the most successful applications in the world It has hundreds of millions of users worldwide the world In Spain alone, 10 million people have already downloaded it to their smartphones and use it to communicate with their acquaintances.And it is that it not only allows you to send messages, one of the features that makes it more popular is the possibility of creating groups of several people and sharing a conversation from a distance. You can also send images and other files , and most importantly: it's free.
But not all are welcome for this service. At this moment it continues to have two big problems: security and falls. There has been not a little news we have received about the WhatsApp security holes. It has been shown that with more or less advanced computer knowledge it is possible to easily access conversations from other users, so it is convenient to walk with lead feet. In addition, service outages are relatively frequent, leaving everyone without messages for a few hours.
Even so, WhatsApp is already one of the best-known applications in the world, and is even considered by some to be a social network. It offers the possibility of staying connected to friends and acquaintances at any time and for free. Although, as we have seen in the short film, there is more than one person who would prefer to stay a little out of so much traffic of information.
From today we have a small excuse to say that we have not read the message, even though the double check has appeared. Perhaps it will serve as relief for some moment of technological stress. By the way, A curiosity: the WhatsApp community manager uses a BlackBerry.