Mobile users iPhone will have already received the notification alerting of a new update for the application Klip It is a social network based on video sharingwith style filters. Something like Instagram, but exclusively focused on moving images Well Well, this application is updated to its version 3.0, with which it applies a good facelift in addition to the inclusion of new and useful features
This facelift translates into a complete visual redesign of the application in this version 3.0 Something that can be seen in its characteristics bullets or thumbnails Thus, while in previous versions they were displayed in a homogeneous and really small grid, with this update they will look bigger and with clearer information And not only that. The lower bar that collects the various tabs and functions of the application has also changed. It now has a more classic look, with more representative icons.
Regarding its novelties in the functioning, we must highlight the new filters featuring Klip 3.0 This is seven new effects to modify the video styleA point in favor is the possibility of applying them in real time, while you are focusing with the lens. Something very useful to predict the result of the recording. Among the new filters, several stand out with classic effectsCharleston shows an old video, from the decade from the 20s, when the dance with the same name became popular. Super 8 is another eye-catcher, modifying the appearance of the recording as if from an 8mm home theater camerain question. And so many more.
It is also necessary to highlight an important fact about this update, which is that the increased the total duration of the videos that can be viewed upload and publish on this social network Specifically, we have reached three minutes Something very to keep in mind for making full video clips, or for vloggers (with V for video- blogger) who want to express more issues without having to record several videos.
Without abandoning the question of novelties in handling, we must also talk about improvements and additions while recording With Klip 3.0 It is now possible to zoom during filming. Something that is achieved with a simple pinch gesture The new possibility to pause recording is notableWith this, it is possible for the user to shoot several non-consecutive sections but that will appear united, without cuts, in the recording final
Do not forget about other details such as the change of notifications, in which a difference has been included to be able toseparate those that refer to the user himself from those that raise issues related to followersOr the reminder that has been added on the hints page so you don't forget anybirthday and be able to congratulate that person with a short video. Finally, it is worth highlighting the detail they have had with users who do not have a flat Internet data rate, allowing them to select the Wi-Fi connection as the only one to upload and publish videos In short, an update that comes in handy formost frequent users, and that makes this application stand out even more. Klip, in its version 3.0, you can already download completely free from iTunes for both iPhone and for iPad