The services of music streaming or via Internet continue to grow despite bigwigs like Spotify already on the market. One of these alternative proposals is Biit, an application that allows you to listen to music channels totally free , mixing in the same playlist the artists and related styles with each other. In addition, this application learns from the user's tastes, offering suggestions to never stop playback depending on whether a song is liked or not
The system of Biit is based on the between songs , as Spotify works, so from time to time it inserts an ad in the playlist This allows music that has Biit to be legal and maintain your business system without the user having to pay any monthly fee Despite this, it has certain limitsthat, although they do not affect the number of times a song can be heard, it does affect the number of song skips that can be doneOnce the limit is reached, it is necessary to finish listening to the track to automatically skip to the next one.
As for the application itself, it must be said that it is quite intuitive, although it can be misleading at first do not allow to choose specific songs like SpotifyAs soon as you start it, a screen appears with the recommended music channels of the day and others sponsored by a commercial brand. In addition, there is always the lower tab bar, with which it is possible to move around the application, something that facilitates its handling.
Specifically, Biit has five tabs. Home refers to the home screen, where the current channels However, it is possible to access all channels available through its tab of the same name. Here you can discover up to 21 channels different playback channels, organized by date, styles, language, hits and news However, this does not mean that Biit only works through these default lists, as in the next tab, Search , allows to specify an artistThus, the playlist will revolve around the style, the works of that artist and other authors, and not only about the style.
If a new playlist is found in this way, it is possible to save it as a favorite When doing so, it is stored in the Favorites tab, avoiding having to search for that artist every time you want to listen to something by him. But Biit has an ace up its sleeve in this section, and that is that it allows download up to three favorite channels to listen to them even when you don't have an Internet connection Finally, in the section SettingsYou can choose the type of network through which you want to connect to Internet for play the music: Wi-Fi or 3G Very useful for users whodo not have a data rate
Do not forget about the social possibilities of this application. While playing a channel or list it is always possible to scroll the screen up to find references to Facebook and Twitter With them you can publish what is being listened to at that moment, in addition to being able to comment on it or find related artists. In short, a curious alternative for those who do not want to pay to listen to music on the Internet The application Biitis developed for mobile phones Android, BlackBerry and iPhone, and you can download completely free for all of them. It is available from the Android Market (now known as the Play Store),BlackBerry App World or iTunes, depending on the platform.