Users using the Apple tablet to work with Microsoft Office documents you will have encountered many inconveniences The first is handling the digital keyboard of the iPad, which can never be as comfortable as a physical , but saving this difference, you will also have noticed that it is c Complicated to create and edit Word, Power Point or Excel documents in unofficial applications, where it is difficult to find all options of these programs, or where, directly these do not appear
Well, there is already a solution to be able to use the genuine programs from Microsoft , so official, with its options and features, iniPad This is possible thanks to the application OnLive Desktop, which bases its operation on Internet This is a service known as nube, which is nothing more than aserver (computer) running the Windows 7 operating system with these document programs installed and accessible remotely In this way, and from a Internet connection, it is possible to use them through any device, in this case, through iPad
It may seem somewhat complicated, but nothing could be further from the truth.This is an ingenious utility that allows the user to use the entire programs anytime and anywhere , only depending on a good Internet connection The only thing to do to be able to use these programs through OnLive Desktop is to create a user account the first time the application is used, thereby reserving a space to be able toedit and save the documents, and of course, a permission to access this service
Once the application starts, the experience offered to the user is that of being in front of a normal computer, since displays on the iPad screen a Windows 7 desktop with the same style and layout, and with the commented programs of the agglomerate of Office, and some other program like the drawing program Paint , or the notepadAll of them operational, with the same operation as on computers, only through the screen of the Apple device Regarding this, we must make a clarification, and that is that the digital keyboard that is used in this application is not the big and practical iPad, but the one created for Windows 7, which is somewhat smaller, although it is possible use the handwriting recognition Using this function it is possible to write with a stylus or special pointerdirectly on the screen.
Because this is an application based on Internet, documents created in this application will not are stored on the iPad This is a point negative of OnLive Desktop , since it obliges the user to manage their documents through the web page of the service, where the is carried out upload or download of them to be able to use them in this application, or store them on any other device.But this also has its positive part, and that is that it is not necessary to carry the documents They can be accessed from any device that has Internet access
As we said, it is necessary to have an Internet connection, preferably at least 1 MB of speed, since being based on the cloud system, OnLive Desktop owes its operation and fluidity to Internet, and not so much to the hardware or qualities of the iPad In addition, space for saving documents is limited to 2 GB However, it seems that the company that created this application will also release aPremium version with which you can store up to 50 GB in exchange for a monthly fee The application is currently developed only for the Apple tablet, although the company's plans are broader, and they want to develop OnLive Desktop also for Android, and for computers, bothMac as PCA good utility, even more so when it is completely free, to be able to use on any device without have to install Microsoft Office