Free Ringtones
There are times when, when you have the song, you don't know how to cut it to use as a ringtone To avoid downloading cumbersome apps, or having to edit a track audio on the computer to later pass it back to the mobile, there is already a solution. It's called Free Ringtones, and allows download ringtones of all kinds directly to the terminal , with a suitable duration so as not to have to make repairs
The Free Ringtonesapplication works as a ringtone finder and a download manager all in one. To do this, it uses the basic system of screens seen in the operating system Windows Phone 7, although reduced to the minimum expression in terms of style and visual aspect However, this makes it a very simple application to use, without danger of loss enter the different screens.
Specifically, it has four sections The first screen, Hot Ringtones , displays in a list the most downloaded sounds In addition, these can be displayed according to different categories, as there are current songs or sounds created especially for this purpose.If what you want is to search for a specific song or sound, you can do it through the search bar on thescreen Search
One point in favor of this application is the possibility to listen to the tracks before downloading them For this there is a button with the image of a headset to the right of each ringtone. Pressing it starts playing the file, which can be continued thanks to the player that appears at the bottom of the screen. And if you finally decide to download, just press the button located to the far right of each song
This way the download begins, which can be followed from the menu Downloading , either one or several tracks that you want to store.On this screen it is possible to see the download progression and the size of the track, being able to cancel itat any time by simply pressing the trash can button Finally, the Mydownloads section displays tracks that have already been fully downloaded, and can be assigned as ringtones
The negative of this application comes from the impossibility of choosing the length of the track , or where to cut the song to choose your favorite part of the song. The application Free Ringtones is developed for mobiles with Windows Phone 7 operating system Of course, among Its specifications clarify that it must be for terminals updated to version 7.5 Mango of this operating system. In addition, of course, it is necessary to have a wireless Internet connectionThe best thing is that Free Ringtones can be downloaded completely free from the Windows Phone Marketplace