Despite the exact numbers that the telephone companies make an effort to display in their advertisements on Internet, when using it, things can be well different And it does not only depend on the bandwidth contracted, the placeand the infrastructure also have a lot to do with it. For this reason there have been connection speed tests that can now also be tested on smartphones for quite some time
The application Mobile Speed Test is one of these tests, and allows precision measurements to be made on input and output connections of the terminal A very useful tool to know the speed at which you candownload or upload files both on networks WiFi as 3G In addition, it has a tab called Results in which all the analyzes performed are collected, recording the date, the hour, the speed of download, upload and ping or connection latency time between computers.
The version for iPhone has just received an update with several novelties that improve the functioning of the application and that solve several errors that users found in its previous version.Now, with version 2.1.3, test results for high speeds are more accurateThis is possible thanks to the improvement of the server selection system through latency tests or ping
More languages have also been added for the application's menus, tabs, and tools. The Mobile Speed Test speed tests can be performed on both Android and at iPhone, as both platforms have an app. The best part is that they are completely free The version 2.1.3 is now available for download foriPhone, iPad and iPod Touch from iTunes And from the Android Market the application for mobile phones with the system green android operative