Google refuses to remove pirated apps from the Market
The distribution platforms that large companies make available to developers are not always used in the correct way Some developers create applications unethical or , even illegal However, the last word belongs to the company In this case, it is Google who refuses to remove a pirated music downloader app, despite the pressures you are receiving.
It appears that the Recording Industry Association of America, RIAA in its acronym in English, has been asking Google to remove the application MP3 Music Download Pro from app market Android Market Complaints would arise in the month of August , when it was detected that the application was used for “illegal purposes”, or what is the same, it is an application to pirate music that is distributed over the Internet
However, as we have already said, Google has refused to take down this application , although he has not made a statement on the matter. According to a spokesperson for the RIAA, this would not be the only association that has pressured the green android company to remove illegal applications And while Google is usually cooperative, it seems that their response times to requests and this kind of requests are usually quite long
Anyway, Google has not hesitated to remove applications from its Market when they were affected by viruses, and for other reasons, although it is not known if due to the illegality of the service that lent, or because of pressure from associations like the RIAA For now the application MP3 Music Download Pro is still operational on the Android Market, although the hours may be counted down