You don't always have all the information you want before you buy a book, or an unknown music cd To solve this issueAmazon has recently released an application that helps the user learn about all aspects of a product in a way comfortable and instantly. Just using an iPhone camera and a connection to Internet
This is the application Flow Powered by Amazon, which consists of a kind of scanner for know all the details, reviews and even promotional videos of a product found in the Amazon catalogThat is, with a book, a music CD, a DVD or a video game in hands, user can use this application to scan the cover and instantly get all the related information
The application is based on Augmented Reality technology, which consists of mixing real images taken by the terminal's camera (in this case the cover of the product), with virtual images: all the information that the Amazon database about the scanned product. Thus, it is possible for the user to listen to tracks on a trial basis, watch trailers or read reviews from other users simply by pointing the mobile phone over the image of the product.
In addition, it is capable of scanning barcodes, without having to focus the entire cover. And it allows to make a purchase directly on Amazon by pressing the button Buy Now However, this application It is not yet available in our country We will have to wait and see if Amazon decides to bring it, and if it's still completely free as it is now for United States The application is already available in iTunes although not available for the Spanish App Store