Talking clock Free
Talking Clock Free It's a pretty Simple It basically consists of on a clock This can be set, changing the color or format What sets this apart application of a traditional clock is that it can be set to tell the hours The application communicates the hours on the hour and can do so every hour , every two or three hours.
This application is free and but it also has a paid version for two euros, more complete The application is only available at Ovi Store, ie for Nokia phones Allows you to set three alarms, each with different tones These tones there are only three But for the alarm to work or the application tells us what time it is, it has to be activated
Once inside the application, in Options , you will find the option Vocal Time . Pressing Vocal Time the application tells us the time. As we have said, up to three alarms can be configured. To do this, you must select the hour, the tone and at what interval it will be repeated. This can be daily or weekly When select the tones only appear numbered. They cannot be heard to find out how they sound and thus be able to choose.
In Settings configure the alarm options You can change the time, change the clock to analog or digital, the color of the clock The colors can be black, blue, red and green and will always be on the yellow background of the application On the main screen of the application, in addition to the time, the day of the week and the date appear The application is in English, so the day is written in that language. The date format appears numerically and separated by bars. This format cannot be changed.
This application has been developed by Migital Another developer of simple and functional applications. In this case, Talking Clock Free is only available for Symbian, but Migital also creates applications for Android.