One of the most downloaded applications of Nokia is to take advantage of the front camera of the phone and use it as a mirror Manually you can do the same work that the application does, but it is more cumbersome. You would have to go to the camera settings and change the rear to the front.
Mirror does this automatically. But keep in mind that the front camera is always of less quality than the rear one So the image that is reflected from the user can come out somewhat pixelated and with poor qualityIf is pressed on it the image will stay frozen Whenpress again, the application works as a mirror again
The Mirror app is really simple. There are no other buttons than the one to close the application and the one for more information. This application is available only for Symbian phones that have this front camera.
Espejo has been created by the developers Pico Brothers Its applications are characterized by being minimalist to the point of extreme and perform only one or two functions These can be purchased from Ovi Store and App Store Most of them are free and among them you can find quite curious applications. For example instructions to tie a tie or Snow Globes, in which the snow can be shaken like a real one.