JoikuSpot LIGHT WiFi HotSpot
In this age of portable devices it is not necessary to have more than one internet connection for all of them. For this purpose there is the application Joiku SpotLIGHT WiFi HotSpot Thanks to the functions of smartphones and this applicationIt is possible to create a Internet access point via WiFi for other devices.
Joiku SpotLIGHT WiFi HotSpot is a simple and useful application Developed exclusively for Nokia mobile phones, specifically those that run on the Symbian^3 operating system In addition, it is possible to download it completely free from the Ovi Store It is the free version of JoikuSpot Premium offering more features and security than this versionLight
With this application, you can connect a laptop, iPad or iPod Touch to the Internet Simply launch the application to start sharing the connection Thus, it is possible to detect the connection with the device that you want connect, as if it were a normal WiFi network
Joiku SpotLIGHT WiFi HotSpot has three tabs. The first one shows whether the WiFi connection is available for other devices. The second tab reflects the devices that are already connected to the connection created. Finally, the third tab shows all the connection information: upload speed, download speed, and time it takes to active connection