Adobe Photoshop Express
Among all the photo retouching applications, you couldn't miss one of Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Express is the official Photoshop app for iOS (operating system of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch ). The application allows to make simple touch-ups to the photos that are already saved on the device
Adobe Photoshop Express is free and can be downloaded from the App Store With this application you can make simple tweaks like applying filters, adjusting brightness or contrast, rotating images or resizingOnce photos are retouched they are saved in memory They can also be uploaded to Facebook, TwiPic or Within this app you can also purchase the Adobe Camera Pack . It costs about four euros Allows you to reduce the noise in the photo and check how the photo will turn out before taking it. This update is not available for iPad 2.
The operation of the application is simple On the home screen appear the options to select a album photo, sign in to your account, view photos being uploaded, or change application settings
Once the photo has been selected it can be uploaded directly to the web from the application or modifiede.When modifying an image with Adobe Photoshop Express several actions can be performed. The basic ones are cropping, rotating and flipping the image. You can also modify the color, changing the exposure, saturation, the hue, contrast, or turn it back to black and white. You can add sharp or texture filters In addition to adding various effects such as filters that give the photo a vintage look
Finally, all actions you perform can be undone. When finished with the photograph it is not mandatory to publish it so that it stays saved in the camera roll.