If you have a mobile phone and a wireless Internet connectionNow there is only one step left to enjoy television anywhere: download SPB TV It is an application compatible with all current mobile operating systems That is, whatever mobile you have: Android, iPhone ( iPad), BlackBerry, Symbian or even Windows Phone , you can use this application.
Best of all, it's freeIt can be downloaded from the respective app stores: Android Market, iTunes, BlackBerry App World, and Windows Phone Market Place Or from the website of the developers Although it also hasother good things Among them, a long selection of channels from all over the world Thus, it is possible to choose channel by theme or, if preferred, by language Sports, information, music”¦ In Spanish, English, French, German, Polish , Greek, Russian”¦
SBT TV also has several very useful configuration optionsif we have a bad Internet connection Once we have chosen the channel we want to watch from the list, by pressing the Menu button, it is possible to configure the size and quality of the retransmission In this way, the need for Internet bandwidth is less, and the broadcasting is more fluidAnother option that is surprising is that of being able to view one channel and watch, simultaneously, a sample of another These are continuous static images, but they serve to know the content of another channel that may interest us In addition, it also hasa programming guide for various channels
However, not everything is good on SBT TV Its wide variety of channels prevents from existing a language or theme standard That is, there is a lot, but adding a bit of everything. And not all its channels are well known The worst thing about this application is that it doesn't have the main Spanish channels , although it has several of the FOX network, a couple of channels from the NASAand EuroNews in various languages.