Do you know the words to all your favorite songs by heart? If your answer is “no, but I would like to” it is because you do not have a touchscreen phone Symbian or Windows Phone 7 with the application Lyrics A program that can be found in application stores Ovi Store and Zune, depending on the operating system of your mobile And also , so totally free
This is an application with which search for song lyrics and be able to read them on the mobile screenA simple application with a comfortable graphic appearance to be able to move from one menu to another simply by moving your finger In addition, thanks to the power of smartphones, it is possible to run this application and the music player at at once This makes it easier to read the text while the music is playing without interruption. But there is more.
Lyrics recognizes the songs stored in the mobile phone Therefore, from the screen Music, it is possible click on any track and load its lyrics on the screen But the database of Lyrics on the Internet is even deeper. Not only the lyrics of the song are offered. By sliding your finger from right to left on the screen you can move through different menus with more informationIn the menu Bio a small review of the life of the singer is offeredWhereas, if you swipe again, you can see a list of all songs by the artist in the More menu(further).
But what if you don't know the name of the song? The search system of Lyrics allows you to filter the results by song or by artist In addition,The application integrates seamlessly into Windows Phone 7 Thus, if Lyrics is started while listening a song on the mobile, the program will automatically search for the lyrics of the song that is playing.