Flash Player
A security flaw was recently detected in a version of Flash Player This bug affected, among other versions, the Flash application for AndroidThe new version 10.3 seeks to fix previous issues This version still supportsplay certain multimedia content and browse the web
This version is also free and can be downloaded from the Android Market Thanks to this application, you can see all the contents of the web. Thus completing the browsing experience. Flash Player is integrated into the mobile completing Internet browsing functions.
This update arises due to possible data theft that occurred in the previous version. These failures not only affected terminals Android Also operating systems were damagedWindows, Linux and Solaris. From the page of Adobe recommend that everyone with the faulty version of Flash please download the new version.
The bug in the old version allowed a possible theft of information. This possible theft could occur by downloading a Flash file that was included within a Microsoft Word documentOpening the Word document could cause the phone to crash. This favored the appropriation of confidential information by others. So everyone who has Android with Flash Player installed should update it as soon as possible . In the same way as those who have Flash installed on the computer.