To become an eminently social being, it's no longer worth having many friends waiting for you at the bar What's up. With the downpour of new technologies and applications that is falling, we must be very careful, since the issue of friends It's not what it used to be You don't understand it like it used to be, so you'll have to get used to applications as efficient as TweetDeck: a social network manager that will help you keep up to date with all your links from any network to which you are subscribed.Undoubtedly, this is a new way of becoming a social being with the gift of ubiquity, since whatever you say in Twitter, will be published on Foursquare and FacebookWe tell you how it works, below.
Let's get down to business. If you have already used TweetDeck as an application through your browser, you will already be aware of how the program works. For those who are not yet handy on the subject, we have to say that TweetDeck is a toolthat mainly worked for Twitter users (in fact it is the most used and this week it has been known that the famous network microblogging has finally decided to buy it). The fact is that this tool works for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN, Google Buzz, Foursquare and MySpace.In this way, users have the option of writing a tweet and posting it also through the rest of the accounts in which they are also registered.
As seems logical in the era of smartphones, TweetDeckis now available (in addition to desktop and as an app for the Chrome browser) for iPhone and iPad , but also in a version for Android that has garnered millions of hits, that is, tweets sent through the android application. In any case, the application is a very visual and easy-to-use tool that allows us to manage very quickly our personal and professional relationships on social networks. You'll see that it only has four buttons with which you can send messages, add profiles and even locate yourself on the map through geolocation The download, as you can imagine, is completely free through the App Store and the Android Market