Google Sky Map
It is no longer necessary to buy a large telescope or climb the highest terrace to correctly identify the constellations in the sky What's up. Thanks to new technologies and smartphones, the most astronomy fans have the opportunity to detect the position of the constellations, in addition to naming them, which is not always easyfor the most neophytes in this matter.As you may have already guessed, we are referring to Google Sky Map, an application that is available totally free through the Android Market In fact, by now it is already one of the most downloaded applications
There are many programs of this type, but it is already known that the most famous is the one that has been presented from the Google factorySky Map is compatible with the Android operating system , so that it is already available so that all interested in stellar issues can download it without problems. In any case, we will say that Sky Map works through the phone's GPS, compass, and motion sensor found in most phones equipped with this operating system .In this way, when place the phone in a certain direction, we will see the location of the constellationsin the precise place where they are, with their name and their closest position
Google Sky Map is supplied with data as definitive as our geographical location and the time the query is made. In addition to the constellations, the system is able to detect the most important stars, planets and constellations, in addition to objects in the Messier Catalog, that is, nebulae, open star clusters, globulars, and galaxies One of the main advantages that we can find in this application has to do with the position indicator that will recommend us to move the phone to see a specific constellation, which will be very useful for the most inexperienced